Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2017

PARIS | Street Art

 When I was in Paris two weeks ago, I was really surprised by the amount of good streetart. Usually, there is one quarter in a city that can really show of it`s walls. 

But Paris,oh Paris. 

The only thing you have to do to find a good motive, is walking through the streets and look at the buildings, it will jump you right in the eye.
 Also, I fell in love with the kind of houses there, most of them are old and have cracks, but they are charming and just pretty.

Sonntag, 1. Oktober 2017


 Empty Days

Standig alone
at the bus station
in my head a hurrican
of destruction
not you
not me
just existing

 Empty hours

blasting music
warm fire
too much
night at daytime
These are a few drawings from my sketchbook, just details.